Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Just Pin One: Using pinterest to teach women’s equality day

update: repeating for 2015

"women's equality day"

images of activism, outrage, or action on behalf of women's equality!

and SUCCESS, six days after Women's Equality Day, the top images are "positive" save one pesky wage gap pin that just won't budge!

pinterest results for women's equality day search as of Sept 1

Just Pin One is ON!  

Today is women's equality day!  

Read more about the origins of the transform Pinterest Campaign below  

or for the TL:DR crowd the basics are

1. repin images of women's outrage, activism and action on Pinterest


2. add your own positive image of women's equality


The recent facebook post of a former graduate student reminded me of the fine line I walk teaching women's history.  Someplace between celebratory BS and a litany of oppressions is what I aim for.  Recently I've been working with the Alice Paul Institute on their Pinterest account.  Searches for "women's equality" in Pinterest have yielded a depressing screen of images related to the pay gap, sexual-harassment, and gender discrimination.

On the one hand I love the consciousness-raising aspect of pinners spreading awareness and sharing their outrage. On the other hand, sometimes I wish more pins stressed next steps.  After awareness comes more action.

As Women's Equality Day approaches (August 26 date of ratification of the 19th amendment giving some women access to the vote), I'd love those additional action steps to appear on Pinterest.

A simple assignment involving Pinterest might be able to achieve that. (I've been experimenting for the past year or so with teaching via Pinterest).  On August 26th (but event are occurring nationwide the whole week aug 23-29)  I'm having students in my classes Pin positive images that stress activism along with outrage with the tag Women's Equality Day in the description of the pin.

1. research images online that relate to women's equality.  Strive for powerful images that are both aesthetically pleasing, but also stress action!
2. Pin to Pinterest (you need an account to do this)
3. write a description that includes "women's equality day" and explains the image. If you use a wesbite to obtain information for the description, make sure to paste it into the description.  Max description is 500 characters first 200 or so characters show on pins.
4. make sure the url for the pin leads to the correct location for the image.
5. if you have other social media accounts share!  You can tweet from Pinterest by ticking the box when you pin that says "post to twitter" in the bottom left corner.

My women's equality day board

Sample from I Vote for Women

sample pin

How to:

1. I googled images under "women's equality day" with time frame set for past month
2. I selected this infographic for its content and visual appeal
3. I researched the organization, and then wrote my description that includes both "women's equality day" as well as a question designed to elicit responses in comments.

Sample 2 Pin about Ida B Wells' participation in 1913 March on Washington by suffragists

1.   google search "racism" "suffrage"
2. image is awful but that is sort of the point.
3. researched and explained why this pin is important for Women's Equality Day

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